Lead actress at the Telugu film industry has done a lot of short films and demo films and now into feature films and web series (Telugu) as a lead. And apart from this, I do lifestyle blogging and designer shoots and makeup artist shoots for Instagram and also review products.
AVAILABLE FOR -Social Media -Sponsored Posts -Paid Reviews -Events -Banner Advertising -Brand Ambassadorships -Video Blogs -Paid Competitions -Modeling Shoots
Shears and brushes ( featured in Hyderabad’s tulip magazine)
Architha Narayanan label
Satyabhama’s banner shoot
Shravya reddy label (nishras couture)
Nishrascouture shoot for Yelugiri magazine
Hi lo design
Video shoots for Stylecraze,Vedix ( hair straightener)
Nivr hair oil ad promotion
Pediklear feet callous remover ad video
Snap a glow review advertisement
Shoot for skincare range for amazon portal for the brand “Veena beauty”
Fashion shoot for social cause “Weaveindia_weave the change (Akshara bingi design)
Walked as a show stopper for kalamandir and vaibhav jewellers ( Fashion fiesta for a para athlete cause )
Main judge for the best short film in indywood talent hunt 2018, hyderabad
Designer shoot for Sandhya Bathini
Designer lehenga shoot for Vastra Vaibhavam
Lead actress in an ongoing web series ( Title not yet decided)
Acted as the lead actress in various short and demo films- The right one, the date night, Chaitanya, Rachaitha, Samajamaragamana, etc (links will be provided)
Lead actress in Telugu feature film (working title “tholi ratri” )